Posts by SRM
Gov. Murphy/AG Platkin Targeting Lawful Gun Owners Again
Governor Murphy and his AG are targeting lawful gun owners yet again. This time, Gov. Murphy has created a link for NJ business owners to download their free “Gun Free Zone” decal to place in their business. Since Gov. Murphy could not get parts of his new “anti-carry” law passed the courts (case challenging law is still pending), he is asking for NJ businesses to do this part for him. While statistics show many shootings occur in “Gun Free Zones,” in addition to the fact that criminals are not deterred by signs, the NJ leader feels these decals will make customers “feel more secure,” by keeping lawful gun owners from carrying concealed while visiting their businesses. The governor wants to prevent the lawful, responsible gun owners who go through an extensive process in order to exercise their second amendment right in NJ, from carrying concealed while visiting NJ businesses. See our video on this topic here.
Win for Retired LEOs in NJ
Retired law enforcement, who reside in NJ, got a huge win on February 14, 2024, when the US Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit District of NJ AFFIRMED a prior order entered by the District Court on June 21, 2022. That prior order held that retired law enforcement officers who live in NJ and qualify under LEOSA (Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act), may carry under LEOSA and are not required to obtain the NJ RPO (Retired Police Officer Permit to Carry). In addition, qualified retired law enforcement officers can also carry hollow point ammunition. The State of NJ appealed this prior decision and on February 14, 2024, the initial ruling was AFFIRMED and will stand. See our video here.
NJ Governor Proposes Doubling Firearms Fees
Governor Phil Murphy is proposing to increase firearms fees yet again for law-abiding gun owners in NJ. He is proposing to double firearms purchaser ID fee, Permit to Purchase a Handgun fee, and Carry Permit fee. See our video here.